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How to Check Your Blog Loading Speed

How to Check Blog Speed - Test your website speed using a blog speed test tool, such as Pingdom.
How to Check Your Blog Loading Speed

What is the speed of a blog that is needed to load a good page? how to check the speed? often beginners think that their site is okay because it doesn't feel sluggish when loading on their computer. actually that was a big mistake.

This is because you frequently visit your own website, so browsers like Chrome, will automatically save your website in cache, which means it will automatically recall the stored part of the cache.

One of the parts that will be stored in the cache is an image.

However, visitors who are visiting your site for the first time, may not have the same experience.

In fact, users in different geographic locations will also have completely different experiences.

This is why I recommend that you test your website speed using a blog speed test tool, such as Pingdom.

Pingdom is a free online tool website that lets you test your website speed from different locations.

After you run your website speed test, you may be wondering what a good website speed should I aim for?

The speed time for a good page load is under 2 seconds.

Pingdom is a free online tool website that lets you test your Blog Speed from different locations.

How to Check Blog Speed

  1. Please visit the Pingdom web page.
  2. On the main page, please enter the address of the blog site you want to check for speed.
  3. Please select based on the location of the place you want to check.
  4. Click "START TEST", then wait for the process to finish.

However you can still change it for the better. so about How to Check Blog Speed, hopefully it can help you to improve your site again.

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