
How to Create a Blog on Blogger

Blog is a form of Web application in the form of writing or notes that are published as posts on web pages.
How to Create a Blog on Blogger

Guide to blogging for beginners. The following is a guide on how to create a blog on blogspot or blogger for beginners. please follow the steps to create a blog below so you can have a good blog.

What is a Blog?

Blog is a form of Web application in the form of writing or notes that are published as posts on web pages. Blogs have many functions, ranging from personal notes, sharing important information, business, hobbies, politics, and many other functions.

Determining the Blog Concept

Almost everyone has different interests. Before building a blog, try to think about what things you like or what experiences you want to share with people and then make that article the main topic of your blog.

Example topics:

  • Business Topics: blogs that provide information about business
  • Tutorial Topics: blogs that provide information about tutorials or guides
  • Health Topics: blogs that provide information about health
  • Culinary topics: blogs that provide information about culinary dishes
  • And there are many other topics that you can use

How to Create a Blog on Blogger

To create a blog on blogger is very easy. if you have a Google or Gmail account, you can use that account to register on blogger. If you don't have one, please register first here. Here's how to create a blog on blogger

  1. Please visit page then click "CREATE BLOG"
  2. Please login using your google or gmail account
  3. Fill in the Title and click NEXT, Fill in the Address then click SAVE.

How to create a personal blog

Get to know the menus on Blogger

After creating a blog, you will be directed to the main blogger page as shown below. On this page you can see some menus that work according to the name of the menu.

Get to know the menus on Blogger

POST: to display a list of posts
STATS: to display the number of views, posts and visitor traffic sources
COMMENTS: to display a list of comments on posts and static pages
EARNINGS: control how ads are shown on your blog
PAGES: to display a list of created static pages
LAYOUT: used to set the layout of the blog
THEME: used to change the template or change the appearance of the blog
SETTINGS: settings for the entire blog
READING LIST: blogs that you'd like to follow in your reading list.

How to Make a Post

Still on the main blogger page. please click the "POST" menu then click the "New Post" menu

On this page there is a feature for writing posts, you can write about whatever you like. if you have previously used Microsoft Word application, then on this POST page, you will find features that are not much different or even fewer when compared to MS Word or other writing applications.

How to Make a Post on Blogger


RED: a feature used to change the size, color, and type of text, as well as upload images and videos into posts.

GREEN: there are several menus, including
  • Publish. to publish a written article
  • Save. to save post to Draft
  • Preview Draft. to view posts before they are published.
  • Lid. to close the POST page

BLUE: there are several more menus, including

  • Labels, used to label each post
  • Published on, to set the release date of the posts
  • Permalink, used to change the url address of the post
  • Location, is used to provide the location where the posts was made
  • Options, there are several other post settings

How to Create Static Pages

Static Pages, also known as Pages, are not part of the post. although basically the same, this static page serves to create pages that are rarely updated such as About, Contact, Disclaimer, Sitemap, or other pages.

The difference is that static pages will not appear in the list of posts, are not displayed on the front page, nor do they have a label, release date, and description of the author's name.

If the posting page has a url address:

then the static page has a url address like:

To create a static page, the method is almost the same as how to create a post.

On the main blogger page, please select the "Page" menu then "New Page"

How to Install Widgets on Blogger

Widgets serve as additional elements on blog pages such as popular posts, blog archives, or profiles to display author profiles.

  1. On the main blogger page, please select the Layout menu
  2. Select the place where you want to add the widget, then click Add Gadget
  3. After that a new tab will appear with a variety of widget options
  4. Please select the widget or gadget that you want to add to the blog then click Save and see the results.

How to Install Widgets on Blogger

How to Change Blog Template

A template is the overall design of a page for either a blog or a website. On blogger, there is a Theme menu that serves to change the overall appearance of your blog. There are 2 ways to change the blog display design.

First... you can choose a display design that has been provided from blogger
second... you can upload a template in the form of an xml file that you can get for free on the internet.

  1. On the main blogger page, please select the Theme menu menu
  2. On this page there are several templates that have been provided by blogger. If you are interested in the design, please click on the Image then select Apply.

How to Change Blog Template

If you are not interested in the template provided by blogger, you can upload your own template or you can download it on sites that provide free templates.

How to Upload Blog Templates

  1. Still on the Themes page, please select the Backup/Restore menu
  2. Click "Upload" then select the template file you want to use

How to Upload Blog Templates

At this stage, you have actually succeeded in creating a blog. The most important thing after you successfully create a blog is to turn it on.

then how to turn it on?

If you want to have a lot of visitors, you must have interesting and useful writing so that visitors have a good reason to read it. You can use Social Media to introduce your blog to your friends.

Thus, the discussion on how to create a blog on blogger may be useful for you. If there is anything you want to ask, please ask via the comments column below.

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