As we know, in creating a blog or website requires a variety of content that is a pillar and useful for users.
Well, one of the important content that should not be missed when creating a personal website or online store is the Privacy Policy page or privacy policy.
To some people, the term privacy policy may sound less familiar, as its existence is not always taken into account.
So, how do you make a good and correct privacy policy page?
Should the privacy policy page be in English to be easy for search engines to read and understand?
To help find the answer to the question above, here we have summarized the information about the complete privacy policy on how to create it.
Come on, let's just look together.
What is a Privacy Policy?
Privacy policy is a statement page related to how far we use the information collected from visitors.
Both in part and in whole. The information that is usually retrieved by the website is usually in the form of cookies that are currently used as one of the advertising distribution data.
The existence of a privacy policy page that explains each approval is of course very necessary as one of the conditions for the blog to be approved by Google Adsense.
So, the function of the Privacy Policy page itself is very important in complementing the elements of a website to be more liked by search engines.
Privacy Policy Generator
There are many privacy policy generator websites for adsense that you can use to create privacy policy content that is interesting in the eyes of visitors.
Some privacy policy generator websites can even be used for free without the need to register a subscription fee.
You simply fill out the form of the website name, website URL, and the name of the website owner to further indicate that the content of the privacy policy.
Privacy Policy Generator Website list
How to Create a Privacy Policy on a Blog
Basically, creating a privacy policy on the blog can be done by anyone by combining the words that already exist.
However, unfortunately there are still some beginner bloggers or people who do not have free time so it is difficult to produce work in the form of privacy policy content.
How to create your own English language privacy policy is very simple and straightforward.
Especially now you can also take advantage of the privacy policy generator that can be used to create privacy policy content in just a few clicks.
For users of the blogger platform, how to create a privacy policy on blogspot is relatively simpler.
That is, you just go to the privacy policy generator site and then add content to the pages.
This is almost the same as when you add a contact page, about us, or a Disclaimer page. Here's a complete step-by-step guide:
1. Visit the site Privacy Policy Online and select Menu
2. Then click Free Generators and select "Privacy Policy Generator". You can see it in the image below.
3. Fill in the fields with the Website name and URL of the website for which you want to create a Privacy Policy, then click the Next button.
4. Next you will be directed to answer some questions related to your website.
Examples include whether your website stores user cookies, displays ads from Google AdSense, etc.
Content according to your individual website because this information may vary.
Click Next when you have completed all the questions.
5. At this stage you are asked to enter an Email Address as the contact or person in charge when visitors have complaints and questions.
Don't forget to click the "Create Privacy Online" button when you have finished filling out the field.
6. The Content of the Privacy Policy for your website is complete. There are two options provided by the Privacy Policy Generator service to display privacy policy content on your website.
First through an external link that can be embedded into the website navigation menu. While the second is HTML content that you need to insert yourself into new pages.
Here's an example of a privacy policy you might get:
7. Done
How? Isn't it easy to create an online privacy policy?
The next step now you just put the content containing the privacy policy into the website, can be on the blogspot platform or WordPress.
Well, after reviewing about the tutorial on how to create a privacy policy page.
In the next article we will discuss how to create a Term of Service and Disclaimer page that are equally important.
That's all about how to create privacy policy page on blogger, I hope it's useful for you. If there is anything you want to ask, please ask via the comments column below.