How to make responsive script box in blog post

Syntax Highlighting will wrap the codes in a box that will make it look neat and friendly on our blog.
How to Make a Script Wrapping Box in a Blog Post

Often we find an article that shares a script or code that doesn't look neat and messy which makes the appearance of the post or blog itself friendly.

Actually, it's very easy if you use Syntax Highlighting on the template, Syntax Highlighting will wrap the codes in a box that will make it look neat and friendly on our blog.

Just information about Syntax Highlighting is a text editor feature that is used for programming languages, scripts, or markup such as HTML. This feature displays text in the source code in various colors and fonts according to categories and terms (source: wikipedia)

Then how to apply Syntax Highlighting on our blog template, here's how:

Just a notice this code will work if the template used has implemented the Jquey Library, an example is: use Jquery <script src=' min.js '/>

How to Make Script Box in Blogger

Step One

Login to your Blog then go to Theme > Edit HTML > Find this Code </head> or </head><!--<head/>--> with the help of Quik Edit app and paste the following code above the code :

 <style type='text/css'>
/* Highlighter */
.post-body code{padding:1.2em}.post-body pre{padding:0;border-radius:3px;background-color:#292e34;word-spacing:normal;word-break:normal;line-height:1.4em}.post-body .hljs{display:block;overflow-x:auto;padding:1.2em;background:#2b2b2c;color:#fff;line-height:1.5;text-align:left;word-spacing:0;font-family:monospace;border-radius:3px}.post-body .hljs-name,.post-body .hljs-strong{font-weight:bold}.post-body .hljs-code,.post-body .hljs-emphasis{font-style:italic}.post-body .hljs-tag{color:#62c8f3}.post-body .hljs-variable,.post-body .hljs-template-variable,.post-body .hljs-selector-id,.post-body .hljs-selector-class{color:#ade5fc}.post-body .hljs-string,.post-body .hljs-bullet{color:#a2fca2}.post-body .hljs-type,.post-body .hljs-title,.post-body .hljs-section,.post-body .hljs-attribute,.post-body .hljs-quote,.post-body .hljs-built_in,.post-body .hljs-builtin-name{color:#ffa}.post-body .hljs-number,.post-body .hljs-symbol,.post-body .hljs-bullet{color:#d36363}.post-body .hljs-keyword,.post-body .hljs-selector-tag,.post-body .hljs-literal{color:#fcc28c}.post-body .hljs-comment,.post-body .hljs-deletion,.post-body .hljs-code{color:#888}.post-body .hljs-regexp,.post-body .hljs-link{color:#c6b4f0}.post-body .hljs-meta{color:#fc9b9b}.post-body .hljs-deletion{background-color:#fc9b9b;color:#333}.post-body .hljs-addition{background-color:#a2fca2;color:#333}.post-body .hljs a{color:inherit}.post-body .hljs a:focus,.post-body .hljs a:hover{color:inherit;text-decoration:underline}mark .post-body .hljs-attr,mark .post-body .hljs-string,mark .post-body .hljs-bullet{background-color:#e67e22;color:#fff}.post-body .hljs mark{background-color:#f24a4a;color:#fff;padding:2px 5px;border-radius:2px}.post-body .hljs mark span.hljs-number,.post-body .hljs mark span.hljs-comment,.post-body .hljs mark span.hljs-symbol,.post-body .hljs mark span.hljs-string,.post-body .hljs mark span.hljs-attr,.post-body .hljs mark span.hljs-keyword,.post-body .hljs mark span.hljs-name,.post-body .hljs mark span.hljs-tag{color:#fff;margin:.15rem 0}

Click save and don't exit first on the HTML edit view

Step Two

Then look for the following code in your template </body> or <!--</body>--></body> and copy the code below and paste it above the code:

<script type='text/javascript'>
// Highlighter
$('i[rel="pre"]').replaceWith(function(){return $("<pre><code>"+$(this).html()+"</code></pre>")});for(var pres=document.querySelectorAll("pre,code,kbd,blockquote,td"),i=0;i<pres.length;i++)pres[i].addEventListener("dblclick",function(){var e=getSelection(),t=document.createRange();t.selectNodeContents(this),e.removeAllRanges(),e.addRange(t)},!1);
function downloadJSAtOnload(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.src="",document.body.appendChild(e)}window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener("load",downloadJSAtOnload,!1):window.attachEvent?window.attachEvent("onload",downloadJSAtOnload):window.onload=downloadJSAtOnload;

Then save your theme.

Step Three

How to use Syntax Highlighting is by copying the following code below when making a post using HTML Mode

 <pre><code> YOUR CODE HERE </code></pre> 

But before that the code that you will display must be parsed first before it will be read by or appear in your post, code that is not parsed first will not appear.

To parse CSS, Javascript, HTML and other code, you can use the following link:

Parse HTML

It's quite easy isn't it, thus the article about how to make script wrapping box in blog post. Please share it on social media if you like this article and thank you for visiting.

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