How to Install Lazy Load AdSense Ads on Blogger

Lazy load AdSense Ads is a script or code specifically designed to delay loading images or ads on a blog.
Easy Ways to Install Lazy Load Google AdSense Ads on Blogger

After receiving an email notification that the blog is ready to serve Google AdSense ads, a blogger must be happy with the hope of earning income from writing. Especially for those of us who are still newbie bloggers.

With feelings of happiness and tension, we will immediately carry out the process of installing the AdSense code in the template. Then, this is what most dream of, we will immediately install an ad script on the blog that will be displayed.

After the process of installing the ad code and script, most bloggers will try to see directly the appearance of the existing ad. But at the time of checking, there was a problem with loading the blog taking longer than before.

At that time, you begin to realize that it is the AdSense ad script that causes the loading of the blog to take a long time. Then, what should be done to speed up the loading of the blog while still installing AdSense ads?

You don't need to worry, it takes a long time to load a blog because AdSense ads are very normal. However, you can solve this problem by installing lazy load on the blog. Before the installation process, you should know in advance about the scope of lazy load itself.

What is Lazy Load?

In simple language, lazy load is a script or code specifically designed to delay loading images or ads on a blog. With this delay, the writing page becomes a priority to load first. That way, content loading will be done gradually (not all at once).

Maybe you've visited a site that displays a lot of ads but still loads quickly? It could be, the site you visit is using lazy load. Although there are other factors that can affect the loading of a blog, still, AdSense ads will make page load take longer than before.

How it Works and Advantages

As I mentioned earlier, lazy load works by delaying the loading of images or ads for a certain time. Certain time? Yes, lazy load will prioritize page posts first. After the text is loaded in full, then the image or ad will be loaded. That way, the loading process will take place twice.

For example, you have to lift two sacks with each bag weighing 50 kg. If you lift it immediately, you will carry a load of 100 kg at the same time. This is certainly different if you lift one sack first with a load of only 50 kg. So far, do you understand?


Behind the advantages that can speed up loading blogs, lazy load also has disadvantages. According to blogger friends who are also coding experts, there are often ads that don't fit lazy load. This means that not all ads are suitable for display.

Although rare, the problem above is true. This can add up if you load sites with poor network quality. Usually, the image or ad loading system will stop suddenly.

How to Install Lazy Load AdSense Ads on Blogger

After knowing the meaning, workings, advantages, and disadvantages, please follow the steps below for the installation process:

  1. Login to Blogger
  2. Select the THEME menu
  3. Select EDIT HTML (can also be via the LAYOUT menu)
  4. Remove the following code in each ad script installed:
    <script async src=""></script>
    The result will be like this:
    <!-- Top Post Ads --> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" data-ad-slot="xxxxxxxxxx" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script>
  5. Paste above </body>:
  6. <script>
    var lazyadsense=!1;window.addEventListener("scroll",function(){(0!=document.documentElement.scrollTop&&!1===lazyadsense||0!=document.body.scrollTop&&!1===lazyadsense)&&(!function(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript",e.async=!0,e.src="";var a=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];a.parentNode.insertBefore(e,a)}(),lazyadsense=!0)},!0);
  7. Select SAVE
  8. Done.

When finished, please check the speed of your blog on PageSpeed Insights or Website Developer. If there are significant changes, the lazy load installation has been successful.

Slow loading blogs will usually have a very detrimental negative effect. In addition to providing a low article rank, slow loading blogs will also reduce the interest of visitors to read our articles. According to a survey that has been conducted, visitors will close a site or blog that cannot be loaded within 4 seconds.

If you are having problems with slow loading blogs due to Google AdSense ads, then lazy loading can be the best solution that you can use.

Enough articles about how to install lazy load adsense ads on blogger, hopefully this is useful for you. If there is anything you want to ask, please ask via the comments column below. Thank You.

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